Spring weather means yard sale season is upon us, and for the Westchester Food Pantry that means…YARD SALE EXTRAVAGANZA! Each year, people donate their unwanted but totally fabulous items to our sale. We sort, price and store, then pull everything out for a three-day sale! The 2024 Yard Sale will be May 30, 31 and June 1 at the Westchester Community Church.
There are three drop-off days leading up to the sale. Volunteers will help unload cars, sort and price items, and box them up for storage until the sale. Bonus: volunteers working at the Donation Drop-Off Days can buy items as they see them–no need to wait until the Yard Sale Extravaganza. See something you like while sorting items? Buy it right then and there!
Sign up for the March 2 Donation Drop-Off Day here!